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This book was written when I used to call myself "The Antichrist of Antifa." I want to be very clear that I am no longer the antichrist, that any who claim that to be the case are those in power who wish to dehumanize and malign me. There is absolutely no reason to suspect that I could be the antichrist, given that I have totally and utterly rejected that title at this point in my life. To be the antichrist, you have to be the president, and though I am not yet 35, I can assure you that I have no intention whatsoever of running for office. This book was written at a much different time in my life when I had stumbled into the deep magic, that which Christians, such as myself, call "witchcraft." It is a highly cursed text, filled with all vulgarity. I do not recommend Christians, such as myself, read this text at risk of being infected by the demons who rule its pages. Some of these demons are communist, transgender, and "devil music demons," which are my favorite--I mean my favorite foes. Favorite foes. The introduction might as well be gibberish, and I was convinced we were headed for a civil war when I wrote this text because of the events of January 6, 2021. I am hopeful that's not the case.


In reality, this book is filled with blasphemy and loads of bad examples. I've grown as a Christian since writing it, but I keep it here as a memorial of what I've been through. There are parts of this book that use sexual symbolism in connection with God, and though I used to justify such antics as mere jokes, I now treat God with greater reverence. I cannot express my sorrow at having written much of what's in here. God is merciful, and I think much of what's in this book can still be useful for spiritual folk, queers, and those who just like a good dose of humor.


Many of the links in the footnotes are now broken, because the website they were hosted on ( is out of order. If you want to check out those links, check out the version of this text I wrote when I repented of being the antichrist, which I am not.

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